Endangered Species Day May 15, 2020

On this day we celebrate our local neighbor, the desert tortoise. The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassazii), a very shell-tered reptile, is long-time resident of the Mojave Desert. Once common throughout its range, the desert tortoise has been under protection of the Endangered Species Act since 1990 due to a dramatic decline in their population numbers…

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To Our Friends: As COVID-19 continues to spread across our country and the rest of the world, Friends of Gold Butte is committed to proactive measures to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors.  Because of this, we are temporarily closing the Visitor Center to protect all of our community members. For those..

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My wife, Susan, and I love sunsets. We love to watch the sunset, and we love to photograph the sunset.  We have photographed sunsets from Isle au Haut in Acadia, to Glacier Bay N.P. in Alaska; from the eastern tip of St. Croix to the westernmost shore of Kauai.  We have taken pictures of beach..

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Desert Bighorn Sheep

Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) live throughout Gold Butte, but must remain fairly close to water (e.g., Lake Mead, mountain springs). Look for Bighorns on ridgelines and near rocky cliffs where they feel safe from predators. Desert Bighorn Sheep are large sheep of desert mountains with a tan coat and white rump. Adult males are..

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