
Help us to continue the work we do for Gold Butte National Monument

Donate to Friends of Gold Butte

We can’t do the work we do without your help. Whether it’s a financial contribution or time volunteered, Gold Butte needs you!

We have many ways that you can help.

  • Make one-time or monthly donations online
  • Donate by mail
  • Become a member of Friends of Gold Butte
  • Make Friends of Gold Butte your charity of choice with Smith’s (our organization code is VA016)
  • Create a Meetup account and sign up for one of our volunteer events

Friends of Gold Butte (EIN 26-1818526) is recognized as a qualifying 501c3 entity by the Internal Revenue Service. We rely on the financial support of passionate folks like you. You should consult your tax accountant or financial advisor relative to your individual circumstances.

Become a Member

Become a member of Friends of Gold Butte

Donate a minimum of $35 annually ($50 for a family membership) or greater and become an official member of Friends of Gold Butte! Your contribution helps us do the necessary work to protect the Gold Butte National Monument for future generations to come.

Membership Benefits

  • Support the work we do toward preserving the treasures in Gold Butte National Monument.
  • Be part of a caring community of people who appreciate nature and history.
  • Giving makes you feel great!

Become a Member

Shop at Smith's

Do you have a Smith’s Food & Drug shoppers card? In just a few minutes, you can enroll in Smith’s Inspiring Donations! This does not cost you anything, or change what you pay; Smith’s will donate a percentage of all your purchases to Friends of Gold Butte. Set it up one time, and this becomes a gift that gives every time you shop at Smith’s! Our organization code is VA016. Click the button for specific instructions.

Sign up for Smith’s

Donate in Honor or Memory of

Donate in Honor of or Memory of someone or something

We totally appreciate that you may wish to donate in honor or memory of someone or something. Perhaps you know or knew someone who enjoyed Gold Butte National Monument. Maybe your favorite four-legged buddy often joined you in Gold Butte. Whatever the reason, we built this special form for you to pay tribute. If you wish, we can notify that person that you made a donation in their honor as well.

Donate Today!

Planned/Legacy Giving
Planned giving really helps Friends of Gold Butte by helping secure our future and that of Gold Butte National Monument. Learn more about how you can participate in planned giving and support the place you love, Gold Butte!

See our Planned/Legacy Giving page.

Donor Advised Funds
A Donor-Advised Fund is a tax-advantaged charitable savings account, giving you the flexibility to recommend gifts to the Conservation Lands Foundation. You can transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsor organization, recommend grants to Conservation Lands Foundation, and get a federal income tax charitable deduction.

Give directly from your Donor-Advised Fund using DAF Direct:

daf direct

You may also check out #HalfMyDAF, a service that provides matching funds to nonprofits like Friends of Gold Butte when donors commit to spending down half their DAF funds.

Donate by Mail

Donate by Mail

Friends of Gold Butte
12 W. Mesquite Blvd, Ste 106
Mesquite, NV 89027

donation form

Volunteer on Meetup

Join Meetup and Sign Up to Volunteer

We use Meetup to manage all of our events, including volunteer events. It’s easy to sign up. Just follow the link, set up a free account, and start signing up!

Join us on Meetup

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