To Our Friends:
As COVID-19 continues to spread across our country and the rest of the world, Friends of Gold Butte is committed to proactive measures to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors.
Because of this, we are temporarily closing the Visitor Center to protect all of our community members. For those traveling in the area, we will offer phone resource numbers below that you may call to get information. You may also visit our website, or our Facebook page, for additional information.
We will continue to monitor this situation and will reassess on a daily basis, but at this time we are planning on staying closed until April 13, 2020. Our employees and volunteers will be working from their homes during this time as we continue our meaningful work while we strive to remain healthy and safe from illness.
We encourage everyone to protect themselves and each other while remaining calm and taking the opportunity to enjoy home and family.
Warm Regards,
Board and Staff, Friends of Gold Butte
For more information:
Brenda Slocumb, Operations Manager Cell 702-596-6810
Frank Golden, President, Board of Directors Cell 801-440-5164